On August 4th, I published my first Substack story, “Substitute Teacher.” Since then, I’ve acquired 28 subscribers, from 16 USA states and 5 countries.
I loved your stories. I'll be picking up your Space Force story soon. And I was happy to contribute to your story set in the park. The imagery just jumped into my head. And enjoy your Latin. I had a year's worth in college, but I really haven't kept up with it. Maybe I should start reading through my Loeb Classical Library editions next year? 👋
Urm, the name Troy is actually not quite how Homer described it although it’s commonly used.
Homer calls the area and the city Ilios (Latin Ilium), hence the name Iliad.
He made use not only of Classic Attic but also of several other Ancient Greek languages or dialects like e.g. Dorian and Ionian just for the metric rhyme.
Well done on learning Latin, I loved it and as my teacher used to say ‘learning Latin is like lifting a weight, but add 1lb and you’ve got Ancient Greek added’.
Hahaha, sorry for writing so much I can't help it. Every morning I write between 3-5 pages, across a bunch of stories and also write 1 essay. All with the hopes of building up this Substack, honestly Dan writes no less passionately everyday also, though mostly his own stories.
And reading the Aeneid in Latin sounds awesome! I gotta read your impressions over again that's incroyable that you can read Latin fluently!
I loved your stories. I'll be picking up your Space Force story soon. And I was happy to contribute to your story set in the park. The imagery just jumped into my head. And enjoy your Latin. I had a year's worth in college, but I really haven't kept up with it. Maybe I should start reading through my Loeb Classical Library editions next year? 👋
Urm, the name Troy is actually not quite how Homer described it although it’s commonly used.
Homer calls the area and the city Ilios (Latin Ilium), hence the name Iliad.
He made use not only of Classic Attic but also of several other Ancient Greek languages or dialects like e.g. Dorian and Ionian just for the metric rhyme.
Well done on learning Latin, I loved it and as my teacher used to say ‘learning Latin is like lifting a weight, but add 1lb and you’ve got Ancient Greek added’.
Hahaha, sorry for writing so much I can't help it. Every morning I write between 3-5 pages, across a bunch of stories and also write 1 essay. All with the hopes of building up this Substack, honestly Dan writes no less passionately everyday also, though mostly his own stories.
And reading the Aeneid in Latin sounds awesome! I gotta read your impressions over again that's incroyable that you can read Latin fluently!
Loeb is the best, can recommend it. Got several books from their Library.